asia asf structure

Vision C as per Meeting 17 nov – Going to 4 shorter slots of time and no time reserved for breaks
(Activities are autonomous about the type of tool they use for online meeting)

When discussion in  self organized activities  during the event  get to some concrete  outcome,  it can be expressed under a form of line of action/initiative of action , with a succinct action plan and a next public action date.  This action date can be registered  in the event website at any time, before and during the event.

Each Action registered in the website get a specific meeting room, that can be used from the moment the action is registered,  and particularly during the Agora moment on january 21



note point 5     Agora online space concept an be adapted in the asia social forum website with generation of Jitsi rooms for each action registered  – TVagora info from January english transcription of video in progress

Comparing two different  possible structures of event

Proposal A and B in perspective of Meeting 17th nov